Providing Parts and Services to the FV Racing Community
M-Sat 9a-9p -- Sun 9a-5p Pacific Time
(unless I'm racing - then leave msg)


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Why Quixote Racing??



9am to 9 pm 6 days a week,  9am to 5pm on Sunday .. unless we're off racing.

If no answer, leave a message with a number and someone will return your call


(619) 561 7774


Email Dietmar

be sure to include something in the subject area that is related to FV. Otherwise, your e-mail will not be opened.


Payment- Usually expected within 10 days of  you receiving  the order unless other arrangements have been made in advance. Checks, money orders or PayPal  are accepted as payment.

Quixote Racing - Dietmar Bauerle
9am to 9 pm 6 days a week (Pacific Time)
9am to 5 pm Sun (except when we're RACING!)
If no answer, leave a message with a number and someone will return your call
(619) 561-7774
10807 Broken Wheel Road
Lakeside, CA  92040
Email (be sure to include 'fv' in the subject line)

All rights reserved - ©Copyright 2009
Please send comments to the webmaster